Sunday, July 21, 2013

Scott & Brade: A Tale of Two Sons

Going through some photos tonight and I just had to share. I am blessed with two sons; my oldest son is named Scott. He has the kind of imagination that is without end or limitation. If you spend any amount of time with Scott, you will likely see him wander off into a nearby field or lot and begin to transform. Yes, that's right... transform. Complete with mouth noises, the works. He does it when he doesn't think anyone is looking, and he doesn't seem to hear you when he is in the middle of one of these transformations. He is extremely right brained, and if you put him in a box, and ask for a nice picture while taking family portraits at Yellowstone National Park, you might get this:

Now, this is a lovely photo of Scott and everything, but it doesn't truly capture his nature. If, on the other hand, you were to say to Scott, "OK, Buddy, you win....let's do whatever you want to do now," the results will be sure to entertain. You might get:


a maniacal smile, 

or perhaps Captain America saving the day,

but two seconds later you might see the Captain transform into a hideous mantis-beast, his back wiggling as he breaks out of his skin to better pursue you, with his insect beak all a-screeching.

Suddenly he's a stealthy ninja, silently creeping up the back alley to take the vermin crime gang unawares. Not a sound does he make until he pops into the head of some other villainous creature, or death defying hero.


Did I mention that I have another son? His name is Braden, and if you asked him to give you a nice smile for his Yellowstone River portrait, this is what you'll likely get, every single time:

I have two sons, and I love them both for entirely different reasons!

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